“In someone’s life, be a yolk. Make it funny, crack a joke. Be the centre of their circus, Add some life with healthy ruckus.”
Why did I make this?
The center is a stabilizer; it keeps us balanced and well-rooted. For an egg, the shell can protect, the gooey transparent liquid is nourishing, but the source of life is the yolk.
Too often, we put on an ego shell and work under the pretense of purpose, while missing our inner soul. It’s essential to have clarity on who we are and find the source of joy inside.
What is the message?
Life often goes on without finding its yolk. We meander along the criss-crossing roads of life, living from day to night, without truly finding inner stability and a sense of true self. This lack of grounding, although seeming like an afterthought, makes it easy for even a minor tremor to shake our foundation. We easily get uprooted the moment there’s any turbulence.
Understanding and having a yolk in place is critical to find lasting happiness and not get swayed by short-lived thrills.
How can someone adopt this?
Everyone desires a strong yolk, but it’s not something we are born with. It’s crafted by one’s circumstances and the people in their lives. There’s no such thing as a bad yolk. It’s either yolk or no yolk. One always knows.
Going above and beyond to help someone find their yolk, or being the yolk for someone, is pure happiness — it is #buddhm! So, be the yolk in someone’s life, help them find purpose while staying grounded in reality and maintaining a clear direction.