“Pack your suitcase, keep it light. Nothing to check in on this flight. Love all night, wake up bright. Sweet is the lover that holds you tight.”
Why did I make this?
Standing at the airport, I observed a stranded suitcase. Beaten and bruised, it looked neglected and lonely. Adjacent to it appeared a weary traveler, perhaps a businessman who seemingly despised the very idea of traveling. He could very well be a sales executive spending half his life on planes, trains, buses, and taxis, all away from home.
Yet, my thoughts meandered, pondering on what might transform his suitcase into a beacon of love, harmony, and joy.
What is the message?
Traveling is about crafting memories. Memories with places or with the people we encounter. However, creating memories requires presence. If one is consumed by reflections of the past or anxieties of the future, the essence of new places becomes elusive.
Being away from the familiar offers an avenue to embrace the unknown, to welcome unexpected moments that can crystallize into lasting memories. The first step involves surrendering to life’s enchantment, allowing experiences to manifest naturally rather than imposing our will. This essence of embracing life’s journey is #buddhm.
How can someone adopt this?
Be the individual who becomes a joy to travel alongside or a delight to meet during one’s journey. Guide others to look beyond transient troubles, steering their focus towards the excitement of the uncharted and unanticipated. Encourage exploration, whether it’s an international voyage or a local outing, regardless if it’s in a luxurious Mercedes SUV or a modest Toyota hatchback.
After all, it’s not about the destination of the traveler, but the soul of the traveler at the destination that truly counts.